Oportunidades de financiamiento / Sociedad Mexicana de la Ciencia del Suelo, A. C.

Estimada Comunidad Politécnica:

La M. en G. Alma Guadalupe Barajas Alcalá nos comparte las siguientes oportunidades para financiar proyectos o iniciativas en temas como:

1. Conservación de la biodiversidad: We support projects that relate to either 1) collecting data (including basic natural history information) that can inform plans that allow people to live alongside wildlife, 2) communicating science to communities with the goal of reducing human/wildlife conflict, and/or 3) evaluating and/or implementing science-based strategies for living alongside wildlife populations.

2. Conservación de la biodiversidad: The Wildlife Acoustics is proud to offer a grant program that provides scientists with resources to help further their research into the study of bats, birds, frogs and other vocal wildlife to support the advancement of animal biology research, habitat monitoring and environmental conservation.

3. Desarrollo comunitario: The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) invites proposals for its grant program. The IAF funds the self-help efforts of grassroots groups in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve living conditions of the disadvantaged and the excluded, to enhance capacity for decision-making and self-governance, and to develop partnerships with the public sector, business and civil society. The IAF does not identify problems or suggest projects. Instead it responds to initiatives presented. Projects are selected for funding on their merits rather than by sector.

4. Apoyo a iniciativas ante la contingencia por COVID-19: The Covid-19 Young Leaders Fund is established to fund initiatives from young leaders around the world which are directly battling the Coronavirus pandemic with tangible front-line results. From producing face masks and providing hand sanitizer in remote areas, to provide tech to community health workers, to ensuring refugee communities can access government health advice – the Covid-19 Young Leaders Fund welcomes a variety of solutions from all walks of life.

5. Acceso a la tecnología y conectividad: The Internet Freedom Fund is OTF’s primary way to support projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, Internet freedom, open societies, and help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks for at-risk users including journalists, human rights defenders, civil society activists, and every-day people living within repressive environments who wish to speak freely online.


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