Join Erasmus Mundus Master

Join Erasmus Mundus Master

BioHealth Computing EM!

This new European program provides a unique combination of university courses with specially designed field experience in selected bio-parks and participating industrial entities.  BioHealth Computing EM aims at training students in the most performing tools developed in life science. It will maximize PhD opportunities of students, and strong relationships with industry will boost their career prospect to become topmost researchers and managers in areas of great relevance such as: Clinical and Translationnal Research; Environmental and Animal Health; Molecular Biotechnology; Drug design; Biomathematics and System Modelling. Erasmus Mundus scholarships are addressed for highly qualified non-European students and academics, willing to study the BioHealth Computing EM programme (24,000 € per year for students and 1,200 € per week for academics).

BioHealth Computing EM  is a one year MSc programme, open to well motivated students who have completed one year MSc course (240 ECTS), or equivalent degree. The programme, which gather Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble (ccordinator), Universitat de Barcelona, Universita degli study di Torino, Universiteit Maastricht, Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară de Cluj-Napoca, promotes mobility and interdisciplinarity. BioHealth Computing EM is organized in 2 semesters followed at two different Partner Universities, that will be both in charge of awarding credits (30:30 ECTS), and degrees to the students. During the first semester, students take Advanced Courses depending on their previous degree. The second semester is dedicated to a nine months Joint Research Project.

Each year, the courses start and finish in the BioPark of Archamps-Genève, by a Summer School gathering all the students. This intensive Summer School allows students to develop interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills with elements of Communication, Management, Business, Innovation and Patent law. Language of education is English (TOEFL 550 required). An introduction to local culture and language will also be offered to the students in each semester.

The application procedure for the Academic Year 2011-12 is opened.

Students and Academics you must submit your application online before January 11th, 2010 (,

in order to compete for European scholarships (

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